No, carrots do not grow on trees

Thursday, April 07, 2005


Ok, so have yall ever heard of this show called Firefly? Well, I doubt it, Fox has a way of killing amazing shows (See Wonder Falls). HOWEVER! This show was so good, that the DVD sales have actually made Fox step back and reconsider why they canceled it. It was that good. So check this out, they are making a Firefly the Movie. This one is really going to sneak up on everyone. Now, when I watch Star Wars, Star Trek or well, any other sci fi movie, I can't help but think, lightweights and inconsistancies.
I highly recommend Firefly and hopefully the movie, Serenity will keep with the high standards set by us die hard fans. (I hate to advertise, but this is damned good) We have shown Firefly to 7 of my friends. 7 of my friends now own the DVD set. Trust me its good :)
Serenity the Movie



  • At 4/21/2005 5:06 AM, Blogger the Barefoot mama said…

    I've finally come across another firefly fan! The cast was incredible and the shows were so well written that when it got pulled I was shocked. Yes, I've even signed the save firefly petitions online - it was that good. I wish SciFi would pick it up and continue it... along with enterprise

    I hadn't heard of the movie so thanks for spreading the word :)

    (I know this comment is a little behind, but since coming across your blog I've had to start at the beginning. Thanks for posting the good stuff online so I don't have to surf for it :)


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