If you have been out of the loop for a while, the world has in fact been spinning... But when I say spinning, lets say, Will Wright, maker of The Sims 1 and 2, Sim City, Sim Earth, Sim Ant, Sim City 2000/3000, Sim Tower, Sim Earth etc etc has been working on his masterpiece. Something that is homage to his previous works, while being absolutely and completely 100% new. I can tell you what it's about, but it's better to let Will Wright tell you. Check out this link.
First Spore Footage. Spore at E3.Okay, but lets save you some time. This is what makes the game unlike anything you've ever seen before. I'd list, but I think it'll flow better ranting. Have you ever wanted to play the universe game. You make create and populate an entire universe, but it's way more cool than that. I am at a loss for words. I can't describe it well enough. But you build an populate the universe from bacteria to universal conquest or peace.
The entire universe is populated from other peoples content! It has a built in content creation platform that gives the user the opportunity to populate the world! From plants, planes, to the creatures of the universe, users make it! It uploads to a server then distrubutes, populating, not only your world, but other planets, which you can work your way to visiting! It's not just civilization, or just sim city, or just the sims... It's all of that, and more. All put into one game. I say again, I cannot do this justice by stating it's features. Please, check out the links.
First Spore Footage. YouTube link pt 1/2. YouTube link 2/2.Spore at E3. YouTube link.The Spore Homepage.